Happy Easter from Artesys: When it is Ok to Put All of Your Eggs in One Basket
Easter Sunday’s date varies each year and rarely it falls on April fool’s day. But when it does, and just weeks after your coworker (Spencer) is kind enough to misplace your car for you, what do you do?
You turn his cubicle into a giant Easter basket.
Technically, Easter falls on the Sunday after the first full moon of spring. This year that first full moon of spring was set for March 31st – Moving Easter to the following Sunday – April 1st.
This occurrence last happened in 1956, but don’t worry if you missed the opportunity to cover your coworker’s floor in Easter grass because you will get another chance in only 11 years.
Easter is a holiday like Thanksgiving where the date varies as opposed to set holidays, such as Halloween which is always on October 31st or the 4th of July (Independence Day) which is on well… the 4th of July.
Typically, investors try to avoid “putting all their eggs in one basket” and if you would like to learn more about the topic please visit Spencer’s post on diversification.